Monday, January 18, 2010

Six Things He Notices 6 Seconds after Meeting You

I saw a link to this thing on a website and thought it was kind of interesting.  Thought I would post to see whether its almost the same thing that women notice about men at first, but more importantly if the men think that this assumption of what they notice first is it?  Feel free to mention anything that you think the list has omitted (For example: Breath) and I will post a revised version to update everyone.
According to a new study the following are some physical traits that men check out on women – immediately.
1. Your Smile – Is it genuine?
2. You Hair Is it soft and does it smell good?
3. Your makeupTo much is a no-no.
4. Your cleavageIf you don’t want him to look, then don’t show it
5. Your skin Is it soft and does it smell good?
6. Your bagBig purses full of “stuff” falling out – not good.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Holla If Ya Hear Me

   The eve of the first day of classes is upon us and I suppose I am remotely Geeked! about it. From the glass half full perspective, we're all a semester closer to completing majors, graduating, and other accomplishments of that sort.  On the negative end of the spectrum, we probably have harder classes, more work, more student loans and other sucky things. Pardon me for stating the obvious, but  we are all guilty of complaining of the same junk semester after semester and the time when #weoffthat (Twitter) will probably never come.

  Aside from all this junk, I am glad that the events of today are most comparable to the song lyric "Reunited and it feels so good".  Aint nothin like coming back to school and knowing that your "besties" , "goons", "clique", "boys" or just  your friends are waiting with bated breath to see you again.  Let's be real, not everybody is blessed enough to see all of their associates after being spared from all sorts of hurt harm and danger for the duration of their time apart, and relevant examples are the most recent casualties related to UNC including Eve Carson and Lillian Chason. 

  As we embark on this new and for some of you LAST semester of undergrad, let us not dwell on the pain that university life has caused us, but embrace the lasting relationships that we have been able to form because of it and use them to our benefit. Sharpen each others iron (Proverbs 27:17) and don't dull each others blades on this never-ending quest to success.   Thanks for listening and have good first day/final semester ^_^


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"Shape-Up" or Ship Out ===>"Your hair that is......." ^_^

   In case you weren't paying attention, I fairly recently cut off all of my permed hair and converted to rockin' my "Natural" hair.  December 29, 2009 actually marked my second month anniversary (did i say that right?) of my BC, "big chop" for those low on an understanding of natural hair lingo.  Anyways, many or maybe none of you at all may have been wondering what was up with the epidemic of Au-Naturale cuties "struttin their stuff like they in the mall shoppin" (Durrough) across our own & other campuses.  Though I cannot speak for the plethora of natural women out there, I will offer a single explanation for this "revolution, whoop! whoop" (Kirk Franklin) that is upon us and that is Health.

   When I say health, I am referring to physical, mental, emotional, and yes even spiritual health of  both men and women.  In the quest for "good" or better hair than the next girl, African American women in particular seek perms and other chemical means of sedating their natural kinks and coils of hair.  I am not implying that women who perm have lower self-esteem, but as far as emotional health is concerned I am saying that such methods are often used to suppress feelings of self-hatred that are often perpetuated by our own race.  Its always the wavy light-skinned chick as a beauty icon or in a commercial instead of a darker woman who may have kinkier hair, but skin is a whole other discussion.

   What I am getting at is the fact that the dramatic switch from relaxed to natural hair is an attempt by many to embrace their natural beauty that is often viewed as inferior by fellow African Americans as well as other races.  Black women are socialized into believeing that we must conform to standards of beauty such as permed hair to be accepted by the general population and suffer much mental anguish when we attempt to divert from the norm.  We are sometimes forced to compromise our happiness with our appearance in the name of pleasing those around us and such practices are preposterous. 

   We should always dare to be different because as the popular quote states, "those that matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter".  The opinions of those around me ceased to really matter to me for the duration of my journey to natural hair, minus the awkward transition stage (when i had relaxed ends and new growth).  Many asked what my parents would think, but truthfully what their opinions may have been did not cross my mind because I was doing this for me and I think we are all at the age, as college students, that a decision about something as trivial as a hairstyle need not be negotiated.

   That being said, I am totally in love with my natural hair and believe that the decision to part with my relaxers is one of the most liberating experiences of my life.  The feeling of a fresh relaxer pales in comparison to how beautiful and empowered I feel since parting with straight hair and embracing my new found individuality.  If there is anyone on the fence about going natural I would advise you to take the plunge because at the end of the day  you are your own worst critic and what others think of you really does not matter unless you allow it to.  You will love yourself for it and people will still find you attractive as long as you exude the confidence that every woman has been blessed with.

P.S. I didn't want the post to be waaaaay too long so if you want more clarity on the natural hair spiel and its effects on the other types of health then shoot me a question and I will clarify in a future post.

Please & Thanks,

Sunday, January 3, 2010

In Case You Missed It.......Church

Sunday, Janurary 3, 2010
Zebulon First Baptist Church
Rev. Edward Holloway

When I Met a Man Named Jesus

John 9:7-11

7 And said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing.
8 The neighbours therefore, and they which before had seen him that he was blind, said, Is not this he that sat and begged?
9 Some said, This is he: others said, He is like him: but he said, I am he.
10 Therefore said they unto him, How were thine eyes opened?
11 He answered and said, A man that is called Jesus made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me, Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash: and I went and washed, and I received sight.

Here is a man sitting at the gate...who believes that he will be blind the rest of his life...BUT...

When Jesus instucted the blind man to go to the pool and wash...he listened...

Afterward people were that the same man that was blind and begging?

His response was, "all I know is that I met a man named Jesus..."

When Jesus spoke to him, he didn't argue, but he did as instructed...

The Lord says, take my yoke-it is easy and light...

Our struggle with life is that we find God's way strange and are hard to listen...(think about it, would you let someone put mud in your eyes? you already can't see???)

But when the man listened, he gained sight...

When God gives instructions, just follow...
It might seem crazy to everyone else, but just listen...

They asked the man, how does it feel? He said all he knew was that he met a man named Jesus...

Right now we are blind...blinded by our societies and this world...all you have to do is follow the instructions of the man named Jesus...He will give sight through His redeeming plan...

God is saying, I want you to see all that I have in store for you...all you have to do is trust Him and follow His instructions...

Courtesy of
Donovan Parker

Friday, January 1, 2010

"My Testimony"

I never ever wanna press rewind
Never wanna go back in time
Not much glory
In that story but it's mine so I'm
Loving who I am today
Past has past away
Finally I have forgiven me

   I believe that these lyrics from the popular Mary Mary song personify the emotions I have felt throughout the past year. If you have not had a chance, listen to "Forgiven Me" and I am sure that you will find a message for youself in the same manner that I have. You and I both know the old adage that "bad habits die hard".  This reality is what makes me refer to this song when I am struggling even harder than Spike Lee  to "Do the Right Thing".  Like the song says, I never want to "press rewind" either when God has promised that was lies ahead will be so much better than what came before.  I am taking it to heart that the past is in the past and that I can overcome any negative circumstances that my past has created while building upon the positive ones that now exist.  I have finally forgiven me and it is time that you did the same for yourself.

 Best Wishes for the New Year,